Previously Sky Girl Initiative
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Previously Sky Girl Initiative
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Sky Girl Initiative Annual Report
Publication Date: 20th December 2024
Chief Editor: Willy Canwat- Executive Director
Remarks from the Executive Director
As we reflect on the past year of our organization, a year characterized by real timepractical work and contribution by every member o and engagements with thevarious stakeholders including the local partnerships with schools, organizations andindividuals, we are proud of the significant progress made towards empoweringchildren and women through education and socio-economic development. Ourmission remains unwavering: with the commitment to empower young people andwomen through skill development, education, advocacy and inclusivity to promotechild education, social equality and socio-economic empowerment.
As Sky Girl Initiative, we have made significant impact in the lives of over 500 young people in 6 rural communities, ranging from our supportive programs of menstrual hygienemanagement, skill development, mentorship and equal participation in sports foreducation program in schools and communities.These impacts achieved would have not been possible without the effort of everymember in the team, donors and others collaborating stakeholders, we are so proudof all of them.Now that we are moving forward to more years of greatness for our organization, weare cognizant of the challenges we have faced and the complexity of every step wehave always taken, such strides are problems that we shall always turn intoopportunities to build us stronger for the cause.
Sky Initiative is a Community Based Organization registered under the Non-Governmental Organizations Act, 2016 of the Government of Republic of Uganda by the District Non-Governmental Monitoring Committee of Kayunga District with Registration number KYG/938/23.